Whether an Arizona Blue Cross and Blue Shield individual health insurance policy is sold on the exchange or off-exchange the premium will be the same, as will the coverage and network of providers for each plan. If an individual or family qualifies for a federal subsidy they must enroll in a plan through the exchange (www.healthcare.gov) to receive the premium assistance.
For those that do not qualify for a subsidy be prepared for sticker shock. As an example, a couple in their 60’s will pay approximately $1600 a month each for a health insurance policy with a $4000-$6000 deductible, no matter the insurance company chosen. If the benchmark silver plan available on the exchange costs more than 8.5% of the applicant’s income, they likely qualify for a subsidy. If not, they must pay the full premium. If the applicant is in generally good health, they may want to consider purchasing a three-year Arizona short term health insurance policy for 50%-60% less.
For 2023 Blue Cross of Arizona is now offering an HSA Portfolio health insurance plan for individuals and families. They are also offering their Statewide PPO network which includes access to doctors and hospitals throughout the country and world.
For those with a small business with at least one W2 full-time employee in addition to the owner (W2 employee may not be spouse per federal law) a small group health insurance policy will offer the best bang for the buck… and you may possibly qualify for premium assistance for up to three years through the Arizona Department of Revenue.