Losing Arizona Medicaid (AHCCCS?)

For those in Arizona losing Medicaid coverage effective April 1st, 2023 due to the Medicaid Unwinding mandate set forth by congress, CMS has issued a new sixty-day special enrollment period.
During the pandemic the federal government would not allow any state to dis-enroll anyone on Medicaid, and during this time the federal government paid states 6.2% more to keep coverage in place. Before the pandemic states regularly enrolled and dis-enrolled individuals primarily based on financial status. Enrollment in Medicaid programs across the country are at record levels.

Congress passed an omnibus bill in late 2022, and part of the bill set the end date for the pandemic Medicaid expansion program for April 1st, 2023. As of April 1st, Arizona will dis-enroll individuals from AHCCCs that no longer qualify for the safety-net program. Those dis-enrolled will likely have coverage ending March 31st. Arizona will also lose some federal matching funds over time, the 6.2% boost received during the pandemic.
The new Special Enrollment Period of 60 days will allow those dis-enrolled from Medicaid (AHCCCS) to enroll in an ACA Marketplace plan during this time and may likely qualify for a federal subsidy to help pay the monthly premium. Coverage will begin the first day of the month after selecting a new plan.