States To Crack Down On Discount Health Plans

Fairly often I will receive a phone call from someone asking how a certain discount health plan that they have come across on the Internet compares price wise with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Arizona. I like phone calls like these actually, giving me the opportunity to possibly save someone a lot of heartache and […]

What Is Health Insurance?

Catastrophic events are often paid for through the shared risk policyholders accept when they voluntarily purchase a health insurance plan through their local health insurance company. Policyholders also expect a certain level of potential benefits if and when needed. These are the principles of all insurance, the risk and reward shared by all involved. Several states […]

Oh To Be Young Again

The common retort to, “Hope and Change,” is that change is what will be left in our wallets after health care reform kicks in. For those under the age of 30 this could not be more true. The actuarial folks at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Arizona estimate that premium rates for this segment […]