Unpaid Medical Bills and Immigration

12 year old Felipe Gomez was playing with matches, burning an ant hill with gasoline, and this resulted in burning 25% of his body. Felipe lives in Sonora, Mexico. He was taken to Maricopa Medical Center which has a great reputation for their burn unit. At last count his medical bills topped $250,000. Felipe has no […]

Here We Go Again

I’ve been in the health insurance business for 30 years. Like just about everything in life this business is cyclical. There was a time in the health insurance business when HMO’s were the least expensive option for individuals and employers. Receive your medical care from a limited list of physicians and hospitals and your health […]

Mirror To Our Soul, Massachusetts

As I have mentioned in several blog entries in the past, if we want to know what the future holds for ObamaCare, simply look to Massachusetts for answers, ObamaCare copied the health insurance plan Massachusetts has. Due to the increasing premiums in Massachusetts, small employers are dropping their medical insurance plans and relying on the […]