Arizona Long Term Care in Healthcare Reform Bill

Part of the healthcare reform law many Americans are not aware of yet is the voluntary option to purchase long term care insurance from the federal government starting next year, with monthly deductions starting in 2012. The program’s name is, “The Class Act,” and The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimates that monthly premiums […]

Arizona Small Group Plans and Reform

On page 109 of the senate healthcare reform bill it states that small employers, those under 100 employees, must offer health insurance with deductibles no larger than $2000 for an individual and $4000 for a family. How this will effect the many employers that offer Health Savings Accounts with high deductibles I am not sure […]

A Few Healthcare Reform Facts

Well, H.R. 3590 was signed into law a few hours ago, otherwise known as the healthcare reform bill. Many of the benefits of this legislation do not kick in until 2014, but there are a couple of noteworthy benefits starting very soon. 1.) Within 90 days of today a temporary high risk insurance pool […]