Health Insurance, The New 1099 Nightmare For Small Businesses

It has just been discovered that the health care reform bill contains another mandate that will bury businesses in a mountain of new paperwork. It will also cause the IRS to hire hundreds, possibly thousands, of people to manage the influx of new 1099’s. There is a tax code section in the health care bill, and […]

Who Is Donald Berwick?

Donald Berwick is a Harvard professor. He has also been nominated by President Obama to run Medicare. In an interview last year  Dr. Berwick explained that the British National Health Service has, “developed very good and very disciplined, scientifically grounded, policy-connected models for the evaluation of medical treatments from which we ought to learn.” “The decision […]

States To Crack Down On Discount Health Plans

Fairly often I will receive a phone call from someone asking how a certain discount health plan that they have come across on the Internet compares price wise with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Arizona. I like phone calls like these actually, giving me the opportunity to possibly save someone a lot of heartache and […]