What Is Health Insurance?

Catastrophic events are often paid for through the shared risk policyholders accept when they voluntarily purchase a health insurance plan through their local health insurance company. Policyholders also expect a certain level of potential benefits if and when needed. These are the principles of all insurance, the risk and reward shared by all involved. Several states […]

Who Is Richard Foster? (Update)

Update: It is being reported today that the Obama administration received the damning report discussed below one month before the health insurance bill passed, and hid it from the public until a few days ago. Everyone in America should be aware of Richard Foster’s latest report. As Medicare’s head actuary, Mr. Foster divulged some very concerning […]

Chaos In Massachusetts

One need only look to Massachusetts to see what is coming on a national level regarding health insurance in Arizona and elsewhere in 2014. The governor has mandated that all health insurance companies in MA. submit their requests for rate increases to the local medical insurance commissioner for approval at least 30 days before they are […]