There Are Worse Things in Life

“There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with a life insurance salesman?” Woody Allen.

As funny as this is it is an unfortunate stereotype. Need a room cleared as quickly as possible, simply mention that you sell Arizona life insurance!

I understand, I get it. People rarely flock to life insurance salespeople to buy their product. Discussing mortality, especially our own, rarely tops the list of fun things to do. So why do I sell term life insurance? Simple, it saves families in their time of need. Life insurance is the ultimate “Go Fund Me” account.

So many of the Go Fund Me accounts are tragic stories, a young parent leaving behind their spouse and innocent children. These stories beg the question as to why these families need a community to rally around them and put the family’s financial pieces back together again. Life insurance puts the financial pieces back together again.

One half of Americans have no life insurance, and I am convinced that many of them believe it is too expensive. It is not. Arizona term life insurance is inexpensive. In fact, most are shocked at just how inexpensive it is.

No amount of money can bring a loved one back, but life insurance can pay off a mortgage, keeping the family in their home. Life insurance can replace the income lost when a breadwinner passes. It can pay for college. It can provide a secure retirement and overall financial security.

Woody Allen was right, there are worse things than death… like having no life insurance. Thankfully, thanks to advances in AI technology, those interested in term life insurance no longer need to spend an evening with a life insurance sales representative. Today you can get a quote online, apply, pay, and have coverage issued with a few clicks of the mouse (link above.)