Well, H.R. 3590 was signed into law a few hours ago, otherwise known as the healthcare reform bill. Many of the benefits of this legislation do not kick in until 2014, but there are a couple of noteworthy benefits starting very soon. https://higginscompanies.com/dental/the-exciting-side-of-dental-insurance/
1.) Within 90 days of today a temporary high risk insurance pool must be established to offer health insurance to the uninsurable. The program is funded with $5 billion dollars and ends in 2014 when the health insurance exchanges are available.
2.) Effective this year children can enroll on their parents plan even though they have pre-existing conditions.
A website will be created by July of 2010 with much of the future benefits of the legislation explained. I will also be discussing many of these topics in future posts. Having read the 2074 page bill over the last few days, I can say there is obviously a lot to it. Having been in the health insurance sales business for the last thirty years I was not a fan of this bill. To say I am a fan now would be an overstatement, but certainly this bill isn’t nearly as bad as I thought. It does nothing to control costs and will likely end up like Medicare, financially broke. That said there are many positive aspects to the bill, and I’ll share those a little later.
Michael Higgins