Arizona Independents, Moderates, and Health Insurance

It is now being said by some Republicans, barely a week after passage of the health care reform bill, that calls for repeal may upset moderates and independents, thereby risking their votes come November and beyond. This won’t happen for one simple fact… the Democratic Party has nothing left to offer these voters. There is nothing moderate about a $1.3 trillion dollar program, and there are no moderate changes that can be made to it resulting in any meaningful benefit. As for Independents, well, it’s tough to be an independent person when one receives their diminishing health care from a state controlled entity. It is also tough to be independent when massive tax hikes take huge bites out of your freedom. Back to moderates, once a thoughtful lot that considered both the left and right sides of an issue before voting, will now find that the right side has disappeared if this health care bill remains in force. It boils down to this for all Arizonans concerned about their health insurance, and that of their children’s… Independents and Moderates are now Republicans, they have no other choice. It is the Republicans job to inspire these folks, not plant the seed of doom, that calls for repealing the health care bill will be futile. We now know, beyond any shadow of doubt, that there is no such thing as a moderate Democratic thanks to the likes of Mr. Stupak. The Democratic party has shown it’s hand with Arizona health insurance now being mandated. It is up to the Republicans, Moderates and Independents included, to stand together and speak up through the power of their vote.

Michael Higgins


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