After many polls and surveys concluded that the general public doesn’t believe any of the promises made about ObamaCare such as lowering premiums, expanding coverage to millions more, keeping the choices they have today, and doing all of the above for free was too much to swallow. So Democratic consultants have recommended that candidates and congressional members not state that premiums will go down or anything about the deficit. Instead they recommend that if re-elected, Democrat’s will, “improve,” ObamaCare.
It has been suggested that the more liberal wing of the house and senate plan on improving ObamaCare by adding a public option. Imagine the national deficit if this were to occur.
President Obama challenged, nay dared, Republicans to try and repeal ObamaCare several months ago, that it was a fight he would look forward to. With the party in full retreat and members not saying a word about the new federal insurance plan, the fight has come to him, and it doesn’t look good.
Michael Higgins
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