Nothing Sweet About Oh Henry

“Thou art a most notable coward, an infinite and endless liar, an hourly promise breaker, the owner of no one good quality.”

The Bard must have been referring to Henry Waxman. Mr. Waxman likes to throw out veiled threats. In most cases he slinks back to his hole after he realizes that he has bitten off more than he can chew, or when he realizes that his actions will likely backfire. This is what happened a few days ago when Mr. Waxman cancelled his investigation of certain corporations that announced heavy financial hits due to health care reform. These businesses, by law, had to notify their shareholders of what was coming, namely billions of dollars less because of higher taxes relating to prescription medication for their retired employees.

Mr. Waxman never intended to have the CEO’s show up to the White House as requested, his intention was to hopefully scare other corporate leaders into keeping their mouth’s shut. Possibly he should have read the law before making such a request. The reality is that the request was made, and surely the president called him into his office. The administration wants the topic of health insurance to fade away now that it is evident that there will be no bounce in popularity, and in fact is becoming less popular as time goes by. Every other congressman has learned this fact, hence not a word about medical insurance when they returned home recently.

The topic of health insurance is still this administration’s Waterloo, just a little later than expected.

Michael Higgins


An Arizona health insurance broker.

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