Report All Snitches

It has been about a year since the Obama administration set up a website for citizens to report other citizens that were critical of ObamaCare.

The OHR, (Office of Health Reform,) asked all of it’s foot soldiers to send in the names of individuals that were spreading, “lies,” about the upcoming Obamacare takeover of the health insurance system in America. The first person they went after was Matt Drudge. He put together a video of Obama administration officials, in their own words, stating that ObamaCare was only the first step. Fully taking over the health care system with a single payer government health insurance plan was the ultimate goal.

Republicans sent out a cease and desist soon after the launch of the website, and Democrats backed down, pulling it from the Web. What they did with the information they collected on private citizens is any one’s guess however.

Then came the Anthem Blue Cross of CA. rate increase debacle. Though a necessary rate increase, it was a stupid time to request such a thing most would agree, handing single payer advocates ammo on a silver platter. The HHS sent out a nasty letter to the insurer demanding that they, “justify,” the premium increase. A private company, Here, having to, “justify,” it’s rate increases to a bunch of lifelong bureaucrats that have never run a business, whether into the ground or not, it had come to this. The HHS also demanded to know how the money would be spent.

Next came the Waxman trial that never was. The congressman nastily requested that the heads of AT&T, Verizon, John Deere, and Caterpillar appear before him and explain why they reported that ObamaCare would cost stockholder’s and retirees dearly. The write-downs they reported due to the ObamaCare mandates are a requirement of law, something Mr. Waxman wasn’t aware of apparently. He soon dropped his witch hunt, not to be heard from again.

And now we have Sebelius’s threat last week to health insurance companies around the country. If they dare mention that your premiums are going to go up substantially due to ObamaCare, and your choice of policies and doctors will be lessened, the health insurer will be blackballed. The insurers will not be allowed to sell policies to the 30 million newly insured on the exchange come 2013.

Never mind that doctors are leaving the profession in large numbers, premiums are climbing month after month, private health insurers are going out of business already, and hospitals are laying off employees, the only answer the Obama administration has for this is to keep demonizing those that state the obvious… ObamaCare is a complete failure.

Michael Higgins


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