As it turns out the HHS, (Health and Human Services,) department was never given the authority through the Obamacare law to issue waivers to certain companies, eliminating the need to comply with the costly law until 2014. By then of course these special companies will be able to completely drop their group coverage, shifting the massive cost to cover these employees on Medicaid onto the tax payer.
The HHS, it was just discovered the other day, gave itself the authority to issue waivers to companies and organizations, many of which are unions. It was the unions that pushed hard for Obamacare. It seems they love the idea of a single-payer system, it’s just the thought of paying for it that they are not too crazy about.
To date over 1400 companies have been granted a pass on Obamacare. An inordinate amount happen to be in Representative Pelosi’s district.
Michael Higgins