Single Payer Option

Late last month Senator Reid said that a single payer option was still in the offing. Single payer is a nice way for liberals to describe the federal government taking over your health insurance, something they do so efficiently as with Medicaid and Medicare. By now it is apparent to most that ObamaCare is a […]

Large Companies Premiums Up 9%/ObamaCare

Large employers recently surveyed have calculated that their health insurance premiums will rise at least none percent due to ObamaCare rules and regulations, this on top of standard rate increases caused by over-utilization as an example. Most large employers are self-funded, that is, they are technically the health insurance company, with a third party administrator handling […]

Zeal For Repeal

There have been many broken promises over the past year regarding health insurance, both before the new law was passed, and since. The number one promise that is a lie, and the President and the administration knew that it was a lie, (a very serious accusation I am aware,) is the promise that if you like the […]