Missouri Has The Answer

Citizens in Missouri recently voted to block the federal government’s law insisting that everyone buy health insurance. 71% of those that voted were against the individual mandate, and the law passed with flying colors. Of course it can be argued that the vote and resulting law are symbolic only, that no state law can trump […]

Promises, Promises

The many promises of this administration made to individuals and small business owners and not kept are starting to catch up to those breaking their word. So much so in fact that the president has been sent on a road trip to small business owners, trying to reverse the impression that he is anti-business. He […]

Chart The New Healthcare Law

Want to get an idea of just how bad things are going to get, how large the government is about to become regarding medical insurance, what health insurance will look like now? Well take a look… http://www.house.gov/brady/pdf/Obamacare_Chart.pdf Michael Higgins www.higginscompanies.com 602.405.8769