More Talk Says The Left

Left leaning blogs, anchors, newspapers, etc. have been saying lately that the reason Obamacare isn’t going over too well is because the administration isn’t talking about it enough. The other day the AP had an article with a title along the lines of, “Americans Don’t Understand New Health Care Law.” Buried in the second to […]

23% For Starters

Connecticut’s health insurance companies requested, and received, a premium rate increase averaging 23% this past week. The vast majority of the premium increases are due to mandates included in ObamaCare. One company requested a 22.9% rate increase to cover the mandate eliminating the lifetime maximum on policies. Sadly, the majority of those affected by these premium increases will […]

The Myth of Deficit Neutrality

For months before the passage of ObamaCare we were told of this amazingly good deal for America. We were going to lower the deficit, insure 30 million additional citizens, and not cut health insurance benefits in anyway. We could also keep our plan if we wanted to, not requiring us to enroll in a government mandated […]