Guaranteed Issue May Be an Issue

As a broker in Phoenix I sell Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona policies. Talk about a fine non-profit organization, having known several of the employees at for nearly thirty years. This fact in itself speaks volumes about the Arizona Blue Cross organization, that a company can retain many of the same employees for […]

Possibility of Healthcare Bill Repeal?

If one were to read the articles posted on the left, right, and center websites that abound on the Internet, it would seem that the chances of repealing the healthcare bill are somewhere between slim and none. The common theme of these articles is the, “fact,” that Medicare and Social Security both experienced calls for […]

Arizona Small Employers Receive 50% Off Health Insurance Premiums Over time

Like so many aspects of the healthcare reform bill pasted a few days ago, it is difficult to dig up specific information on the many programs involved. I am awaiting guidance from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona regarding a grant program available to Arizona small group employers with 25 or less full-time employees, with […]