Patients Must Be In Charge

How we incentivize doctors and hospitals in our current health care system has it’s flaws. Well, actually, it is the fundamental flaw with the system, and nothing ObamaCare insists upon will change that. In fact it will make things worse. The only answer, the only fix, is repeal. We must start over, making small, market […]

Facts Relating To ObamaCare

Well, Wednesday was the 100 day anniversary of ObamaCare. Here are a few facts relating to the implementation of the new health insurance law. 1.) Sixteen million people will be forced into Medicaid, a program that has high mortality rates for infants, denies care, and worse medical outcomes than other programs. 2.) Health insurance premiums […]

ObamaCare, Study Misrepresented

President Obama and Peter Orszag said many times before the new law was passed that cutting health care spending will actually make people healthier. The reasoning is that by cutting out ineffective treatments and standardizing care that works, many will be healthier. We were told that there is a lot of waste in health care, […]