Oh To Be Young Again

The common retort to, “Hope and Change,” is that change is what will be left in our wallets after health care reform kicks in. For those under the age of 30 this could not be more true. The actuarial folks at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Arizona estimate that premium rates for this segment […]

It’s Easy To Understand The Mistrust

The federal government owns sixty-one percent of General Motors. The other day, amongst much fanfare, the CEO announced that his company has paid back the federal government all that was owed from the TARP loans, and did so five years ahead of schedule. The American people have been led to believe that GM is selling more […]

Health Insurance Premiums, Up, Up, and Away

It’s starting. Economic forecasters with the federal government released a report yesterday stating that Obamacare will cause health insurance premiums to rise and seniors to lose coverage and benefits. Shocking. More surprising is the fact that the forecasters doubt that the billions of dollars in Medicare cuts included in the health care overhaul bill will actually […]