A Few Healthcare Reform Facts

Well, H.R. 3590 was signed into law a few hours ago, otherwise known as the healthcare reform bill. Many of the benefits of this legislation do not kick in until 2014, but there are a couple of noteworthy benefits starting very soon. https://higginscompanies.com/dental/the-exciting-side-of-dental-insurance/ 1.) Within 90 days of today a temporary high risk insurance pool […]

Financial Assistance for Arizona Health Insurance

There is a little known program from the Arizona Department of Revenue that offers between $1000-$3000 for individuals and families to help pay for health insurance. An individual must make less than $27,045 a year, a family of four $55,000. Income limits may be found at www.azdor.gov under the tax credit link. Applicants must be uninsured for […]