Funny Numbers of Doc Fix

President Obama still insists that his new health insurance law will save $100 billion dollars over the next decade, and ten times that amount in the decade following. The chief actuary of the administration says that the cost curve will not bend down as claimed. The administration says that if someone wants to keep their […]

The Reality Of Digital Medical Records

To lower medical costs, streamline records, and improve overall health care are several examples of what can be gained by digitizing medical records throughout the country. The federal government has set aside nearly $20 billion dollars to help the medical profession digitize all of these records, and to do so soon. But the reality is […]

Poll, Health Care Support Falling

The Kaiser Foundation released a poll today showing that overall support for ObamaCare is falling by quite a bit. What is most relevant about this poll is the timing. It was released after one month of the administration making a concerted effort to get the word out about all the benefits in the plan, and […]