Large Companies Premiums Up 9%/ObamaCare

Large employers recently surveyed have calculated that their health insurance premiums will rise at least none percent due to ObamaCare rules and regulations, this on top of standard rate increases caused by over-utilization as an example. Most large employers are self-funded, that is, they are technically the health insurance company, with a third party administrator handling […]

Here We Go Again

I’ve been in the health insurance business for 30 years. Like just about everything in life this business is cyclical. There was a time in the health insurance business when HMO’s were the least expensive option for individuals and employers. Receive your medical care from a limited list of physicians and hospitals and your health […]

Patients Must Be In Charge

How we incentivize doctors and hospitals in our current health care system has it’s flaws. Well, actually, it is the fundamental flaw with the system, and nothing ObamaCare insists upon will change that. In fact it will make things worse. The only answer, the only fix, is repeal. We must start over, making small, market […]