Large Employers To Drop Health Insurance

In a not so shocking news report the other day, 1100 pages of internal documents from four of the largest employers in the country show that these employers are calculating the costs involved in dropping their group health insurance and paying the associated government fines instead of paying for their existing group medical policies. Senator […]

Uh Oh, ObamaCare May Be In Trouble

The Congressional Research Service issued a report the other day regarding health insurance, specifically the mandate to buy medical insurance. They also wonder about a provision in the law that will tax state and local governments when one of their employees uses the new health insurance exchanges instead of going on the group medical plan […]

True Or False?

Will ObamaCare slow the growth of health insurance rates for individuals, families, businesses, and the government? False. Medicare’s top actuary says that every provision in the bill designed to control costs will do little to control future cost growth. Will ObamaCare actually reduce medical spending and costs over the next ten years? False. Again, according to […]