Two Hundred And Counting

Over two hundred companies and unions now have a free ride when it comes to Obamacare. That is, these entities do not have to abide by the rules imposed on their competitors under the new health insurance law. Thanks to the HHS waivers, these companies and unions will save millions of dollars in the bank […]

More Talk Says The Left

Left leaning blogs, anchors, newspapers, etc. have been saying lately that the reason Obamacare isn’t going over too well is because the administration isn’t talking about it enough. The other day the AP had an article with a title along the lines of, “Americans Don’t Understand New Health Care Law.” Buried in the second to […]

Democrats To, “Improve,” ObamaCare

After many polls and surveys concluded that the general public doesn’t believe any of the promises made about ObamaCare such as lowering premiums, expanding coverage to millions more, keeping the choices they have today, and doing all of the above for free was too much to swallow. So Democratic consultants have recommended that candidates and congressional members […]