Free For All

P. J. O’Rourke once said, “If you think health care is expensive now, just wait till it’s free.”

All the freebies included in Obamacare have a price tag, and ultimately we all pay for them. Those free preventive check-ups and free contraceptives all add to the monthly premium we all pay.

It seems odd to me. If many studies confirm that preventive medicine does nothing to lower overall expenses, and in fact raises costs, why are we incentivizing this? If free contraceptives and HIV tests, well-woman care visits, and counseling on STD’s are to ensure that women live long and healthy lives, why are we not giving out free heart care? Heart disease is the number one killer of women, not the lack of contraceptives. I say free EKG’s and counseling for couch potatoes all around. Let’s not forget about men and children of course. If you are a real man you don’t go to the doctor to begin with, but what if we gave them free health care, surely that would get them into the doctors office for a check-up, right? And the children, our sweet, adorable, innocent children. They need free counseling. There’s sex, drugs, and rock and roll to contend with. Free counseling sessions will go a long way toward raising perfect little angels.

I think the scariest part in all of this is the fact that the secretary of the HHS has the power to decide what is covered, who is covered, and what they will pay. Talk about the power of the few.

Obamacare has caused premiums to rise, and they will continue an upward trajectory for years to come. There is no free lunch.

Michael Higgins

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