Religious Freedom At Risk

President Obama has decided to postpone the issue of contraceptive coverage until after the elections. It is a touchy subject, one that has the Catholic church up in arms.

Obamacare mandates that all group health insurance policies must cover contraceptives under the preventive services benefit these policies offer, including medications that can abort a baby, and do so at no cost to the policyholder. Catholic universities and hospitals have a problem with this of course, as it forces them to cover abortion.

As I have mentioned many times in these blog posts, the main purpose of Obamacare is not to insure more people, it is to force group health insurance companies out of business and drive the insured into Medicaid or other similar government run health insurance plans. These Catholic entities will now be forced to drop their group health insurance policies so as not to facilitate abortions, their employees forced to turn to the government for their health insurance. It is a win win for this administration. Employees of these institutions will be forced into a government group health insurance plan, and the government will collect billions of dollars in fines assessed these institutions that do not provide group health insurance with free abortions.

Again, the more people that are dependent on the government for their health insurance needs, the more voters you have for your party.

Michael Higgins

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