The More We Know, The Worse It Gets

Six months after Obamacare was jammed down our throats, we now know that it will not reduce costs, and in fact has forced premiums up. Obamacare covers the cost of abortions. 70% of employees will have to switch coverage to more expensive plans. The same holds true for small businesses at 80%, and 64% for […]

3M, Retirees Lose Health Insurance

Well, it has started. Major corporations deciding to dump their retirees into the federal Medicare or Medicaid programs has begun, Here. 3M announced today that their 23,000 retired employees will be cut from the company health insurance program starting in 2013. Their reasoning… Obamacare. The new law eliminates the tax credit corporations have had for years […]

Iowa Loses Major Health Insurer

The Principal Financial Group is the third largest health insurance company in Iowa, and they have decided not to sell health insurance any longer thanks to Obamacare. Remember, if you like the plan you have you can keep it, President Obama promised. So much for that. And so it begins, as in Massachusetts, health insurance […]