More Talk Says The Left

Left leaning blogs, anchors, newspapers, etc. have been saying lately that the reason Obamacare isn’t going over too well is because the administration isn’t talking about it enough. The other day the AP had an article with a title along the lines of, “Americans Don’t Understand New Health Care Law.” Buried in the second to […]

MN. Family Policies Closing Doors

If you like your coverage in Minnesota you can’t keep it. Two of the major health insurance companies in the state have stopped selling individual policies effective immediately. Why? Obamacare. The problem is that the carriers can’t get approval of their policies from the local insurance department. The local department of insurance is waiting to […]

High Risk Pool Troubles

Because there is only $5 billion dollars for the new federal high risk pool health insurance program,, the government hasn’t ruled out turning away the sickly because funds have run out. The money is supposed to last until 2014 when all insurance companies are to accept everyone that applies. Administration folk say that they […]