High Risk Pool Troubles

Because there is only $5 billion dollars for the new federal high risk pool health insurance program, www.healthcare.gov, the government hasn’t ruled out turning away the sickly because funds have run out. The money is supposed to last until 2014 when all insurance companies are to accept everyone that applies. Administration folk say that they […]

Employers Will Pass Health Insurance Costs On

A new survey was released today of 661 HR administrators for businesses throughout the country. The findings were not surprising, yet still disturbing. 90% of the Hr reps believe that their group health insurance premiums will rise due to ObamaCare. https://higginscompanies.com/health-insurance/a-few-thoughts-on-health-insurance/  About the same number plan on passing on the increased medical insurance premiums on to […]

Calls For Health Care Repeal At All Time High

It’s official, 63% of Americans want the new health insurance law repealed, up from 57% last week. it will be interesting to see if calls for health care repeal stay at this level, or if this was a one-time thing. Nearly 70% of Americans think that the new health insurance law will be bad for […]