3M, Retirees Lose Health Insurance

Well, it has started. Major corporations deciding to dump their retirees into the federal Medicare or Medicaid programs has begun, Here. 3M announced today that their 23,000 retired employees will be cut from the company health insurance program starting in 2013. Their reasoning… Obamacare. The new law eliminates the tax credit corporations have had for years […]

Many Seniors May Lose Part D Choice

As many as three to four million seniors may be forced to change their prescription benefits plan this fall. Medicare, Here, is trying to lessen similar plans offered to members in hopes of making things less confusing. This is a noble cause, unless you are enrolled in one of the plans being discontinued. These seniors would not lose […]

The Myth of Deficit Neutrality

For months before the passage of ObamaCare we were told of this amazingly good deal for America. We were going to lower the deficit, insure 30 million additional citizens, and not cut health insurance benefits in anyway. We could also keep our plan if we wanted to, not requiring us to enroll in a government mandated […]