High Risk Pool Troubles

Because there is only $5 billion dollars for the new federal high risk pool health insurance program, www.healthcare.gov, the government hasn’t ruled out turning away the sickly because funds have run out. The money is supposed to last until 2014 when all insurance companies are to accept everyone that applies. Administration folk say that they […]

Price Controls and Health Care

Not since Nixon has this country tried price controls. Of course this failed and lead to shortages. Now President Obama wants to try this with health insurance, warning insurers not to raise their prices recently. He increases their costs dramatically with ObamaCare, then tells them not to raise their prices. And many don’t believe that […]

Health Insurance and The Pill

Planned Parenthood wants health insurance companies to cover the pill under preventive services, that is, for free. Under ObamaCare all preventive services must be free. Now Planned Parenthood is quietly getting their ducks in a row with a website asking citizens to submit stories of how the pill changed their lives. How the pill would […]